Admissions Testing

Assessment Policy

The ability of a student to succeed in occupational or academic programs at Lanier Technical College is greatly determined by the math and language skills possessed by the student. Lanier Technical College is committed to assisting students in achieving their maximum potential. It is the philosophy of Lanier Technical College that a student is not helped by admitting them into a program in which they do not possess the basic education skills needed to succeed. Therefore, all students applying for degree, diploma and certificate programs must meet one of the following program readiness assessments prior to acceptance to a program of study at Lanier Technical College.

Assessment of Program Readiness

  1. Lanier Technical College may evaluate students’ readiness for degree, diploma, and certificate programs.
  2. Lanier Technical College may accept one or multiple official assessment measures on the following validated assessment instruments if the scores meet the required minimums as established by Lanier Technical College. A student possessing an associate’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution shall be exempted from placement requirements.
  • ACCUPLACER or COMPANION, with appropriate test scores for certificate, diploma, or degree programs. These minimum scores can be obtained in the Office of Admissions.
  • General Education Development (GED®) scores of 165+ on English or Math
  • HISET® Math, Reading or Language Arts must meet the minimum passing score if used for placement into any certificate, diploma, or degree program.
  • Validated assessment scores on SAT, ACT, PSAT, or PreACT if the scores meet the college program’s required minimums. Inquire with the Office of Admissions as to the college’s minimum score requirements.
    • If a student’s SAT, ACT, PSAT, or PreACT scores do not meet the college’s program minimums for regular admission, a student must be assessed using one of the TCSG-approved instruments.
  • Official transcripts from a regionally or nationally accredited postsecondary institution recognized by the United States Department of Education documenting equivalent program-level English and math coursework successfully completed (C or better) may be used in lieu of completing the corresponding portion of the TCSG-approved assessment instrument(s).
  • Georgia Milestones Literature & Composition or Georgia Milestones American Literature & Composition (English admission requirement only) of a 525 or higher.
  • High school GPA of 2.00 for students seeking entry to certificate or diploma programs of study.
  • High school GPA of 2.60 for students seeking entry to associate degree programs of study.

Subjective criteria such as, but not limited to, written or oral interviews, personality assessments, and letters of reference shall not be utilized as part of the evaluation for program readiness or admission. All criteria should be published and applied consistently to all applicants for a program.

All Competitive Programs must meet additional requirements, as posted on the program pages, to be accepted into the Competitive Program desired. Please contact for more information.

*The Commissioner of the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) has the ability to waive any portion of the above readiness in times of business crisis as outlined in the TSCG State Board Procedure 1.1p. Upon this occurring, Admissions will outline the procedure established during those times and the effective dates herein and make any adjustments to such criterion to the admissions procedures. 

Scheduling Testing

Students who have submitted an application for admission and their $25 application fee are eligible to schedule admissions testing. The student should contact the Office of Admissions to schedule a time for testing. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the Office of Admissions to reschedule their test date if necessary.


To help you prepare for the ACCUPLACER Next Generation Placement Test, you may review the ACCUPLACER online guide via the app or visit the links below.

Study Guide App Information: ACCUPLACER Study App

Please see the following pdf study guides for ACCUPLACER Next Generation:

Test Score Results

Each student will receive an interpretation of his or her test scores prior to beginning their program of study. Test results and an explanation of test score and course placement levels are provided to the applicant at the end of the testing session. The results of the test, including the applicant’s admission status and Learning Support recommendations, will be sent to each applicant. The applicant may contact the Office of Admissions for further discussion and interpretation of the test results. Assessment results will be distributed to the appropriate department instructor, to be used for advisement when the student meets with their advisor for registration.

Testing for Students with Disabilities

Provisions will be made for the assessment of students with disabilities who need special assistance and considerations. These special provisions may include computer adaptive testing, testing with large print booklets, and testing with audio equipment. The ACCUPLACER is an untimed test. The applicant should provide documentation of the disability and a recommendation of the special provisions needed.

If you have a documented disability and would like to request additional accommodations, please contact or 770-533-7003.

Retest Procedures

Students may request a retest on the ACCUPLACER exam. One retest per academic year is allowed. There is a 30 day wait period between the initial test and retest that is required. A retest fee of $10 per section will be assessed. Contact the Office of Admissions for further information.

Admissions Retest Procedures