Transient Students

Incoming Transient Students

A student in good standing at another accredited institution may be permitted to enroll as a "transient" student on a space-available basis in order to complete work to be transferred to the parent institution. A transient student should be advised in writing by the parent institution concerning recommended courses. The transient student must:

  • Submit an application and a $25 non-refundable application fee to Lanier Technical College.
  • Present a statement from the Registrar or Academic Dean of the parent institution that the student is in good standing and eligible to return to that institution. Enrollment is usually limited to one semester.
  • Pay all scheduled tuition and fees of Lanier Technical College or have pre-approval for financial aid.
  • Applicants for transient status must re-apply and receive transient status approval for each semester that they wish to enroll under the transient status.
  • Students from another Technical College System of Georgia institution who wish to enroll in online courses only should apply through the GVTC website.
  • Transient applicants must provide documentation of Lawful Presence in the United States. More information on the required documents can be found in the Admissions/Residency Policy of this catalog.

Outgoing Transient Students

A student in good standing at Lanier Technical College may be permitted to enroll as a "transient" student at another accredited institution. The outgoing transient student must:

  • Complete the Lanier Technical College Request for Transient Status form, Request for Transient Status.
  • Have successfully completed a minimum of one semester at Lanier Technical College.
  • Request permission for a transient class that is required for their current program of study.
  • Meet pre-requisites for the course they plan to take.
  • Receive approval from their program advisor.
  • Apply to the College you wish to attend, seeking admission as a transient student and pay their application fee. (Students from Lanier Tech who wish to attend another Technical College System of Georgia institution and plan to enroll in online courses only should apply through the GVTC website)
  • Earn a grade of "C" or higher for the course to be transferred back to Lanier Technical College.

Transient status cannot be granted for Learning Support courses.