Attendance Policy

For the best chance at academic success, students are encouraged to be punctual and attend all classes for which they are registered as scheduled throughout the semester. Students anticipating an absence or tardy should contact the instructor in advance or provide notification as soon as possible. Students who are called to military or jury duty should inform their instructors and, if appropriate, the Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs offices prior to their absence, and provide appropriate documentation.

Although Lanier Technical College is a non-attendance taking institution, the student is responsible for missed instructional time and is expected to follow the policy for make-up work detailed on the course syllabus. If the student does not participate in classes, submit assignments, or, when applicable, contact instructors in a timely manner (either in person, by phone, or by e-mail) a failing grade(s) may result. Special participation policies may be enforced for some classes due to hour requirements necessary for completion. An instructor may also establish a grade based on a student’s class participation.