Combined Paid-Hours Limit - HOPE/Zell Miller

A student is ineligible to receive HOPE Scholarship payment once he or she reaches the Combined Paid-Hours limit of 127 semester or 190 quarter hours from any combination of Zell Miller or HOPE Scholarship Paid-Hours, plus HOPE or Zell Miller Grant Paid-Hours, plus, through FY2011, Accel Program Paid-Hours.

Hours for which HOPE/Zell Miller Grant funds were paid will be tracked starting with Summer Quarter 2003 except for hours for which a student received HOPE Grant payment prior to high school graduation and before Fall Quarter 2004. Hours for which Accel Program funds were paid will be tracked starting with Fall Quarter 2004.

Hours for which HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship funds were paid will be tracked starting with Summer Quarter 2003.

If a student attempts 127 semester or 190 quarter hours at a combination of one or more post-secondary institute(s) before reaching the Combined Paid-Hours limit, he or she is ineligible to receive further HOPE Scholarship payment.

For more information regarding HOPE and State Aid regulations, visit