Hope Grant Checkpoints and Limits

30 Hour Checkpoint

Beginning at the end of the Fall semester or quarter 2011, a HOPE Grant recipient who has accumulated at least 30 semester or 45 quarter Paid-Hours, (excluding Learning Support and Dual Enrollment coursework), but less than 60 semester or 90 quarter Paid-Hours, must have earned a Postsecondary Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.00 at the end of the school term in which he or she has accumulated at least 30 semester or 45 quarter Paid-Hours in order to be eligible for HOPE Grant payment for the next 30 semester or 45 quarter hours.

  1. A student who lost his or her HOPE Grant eligibility at the 30 semester or 45 quarter hour Checkpoint, for failure to earn at least a 2.00 Cumulative Grade Point Average, can regain HOPE Grant eligibility if his or her Postsecondary Cumulative Grade Point Average is at least 2.00 at the end of the school term he or she has accumulated at least 60 semester or 90 quarter hours and such student meets all other HOPE Grant requirements.
  2. The 60 hour Checkpoint will include all coursework that would have normally been paid for by HOPE Grant, (excluding Learning Support and Dual Enrollment), had the student met all HOPE Grant requirements.
  3. Students that regain eligibility at the 60 hour Checkpoint are eligible for the full number of HOPE Grant Paid-Hours maximums of 63 semester or 95 quarter hours of payment.

60 Hour Checkpoint

Beginning at the end of the Fall semester or quarter 2011, a HOPE Grant recipient who has accumulated at least 60 semester or 90 quarter Paid-Hours, but less than 63 semester or 95 quarter Paid-Hours, must have earned a Postsecondary Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.00 at the end of the school term in which he or she has accumulated at least 60 semester or 90 quarter Paid-Hours in order to be eligible for HOPE Grant payment for the next 3 semester or 5 quarter hours.

  1. A student, who lost his or her HOPE Grant eligibility at the 60 semester or 90 quarter hour Checkpoint, for failure to earn at least a 2.00 Postsecondary Cumulative Grade Point Average, cannot regain HOPE Grant eligibility.

Students Enrolled Fall term 2013 or later who previously lost HOPE Grant eligibility at a Checkpoint

A student who previously lost HOPE Grant eligibility at a 30 Hour Checkpoint or a 60 Hour Checkpoint due to a postsecondary cumulative GPA below 3.00, can regain eligibility for HOPE Grant his or her first term of enrollment after Summer term 2013 if he or she had a postsecondary cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher at the end of his or her last term of enrollment prior to Fall term 2013. Such student must meet all other eligibility requirements.

Checkpoint for Students Enrolled Prior to Fall 2011

Students who have accumulated at least 30 semester or 45 quarter Paid-Hours, but less than 60 semester or 90 quarter Paid-Hours, prior to Fall term 2011, will first be subject to a Checkpoint at the end of the term at which the student has accumulated 60 semester or 90 quarter Paid-Hours. Such Checkpoint will include all Paid-Hours coursework and corresponding grades, (excluding Learning Support and Dual Enrollment coursework).

Coursework Included in GPA Calculations

The Postsecondary Cumulative Grade Point Average calculation is cumulative of all coursework taken (excluding Learning Support and Dual Enrollment coursework), beginning Summer term 2003 with recorded HOPE and Zell Miller Grant Paid-Hours.

Paid-Hours Limit

A student may receive HOPE Grant payment for all coursework required by an Eligible Postsecondary Institution for a program of study leading to a Certificate or Diploma, including Learning Support coursework.

  • Recipients are limited by the number of credit hours for which they can receive HOPE Grant payment, referred to in these regulations as the Paid-Hours limit.
  • The Paid-Hours limit is 63 semester or 95 quarter hours of HOPE Grant payment.
  • For the school term in which a student reaches the Paid-Hours limit of 63 semester or 95 quarter hours, the student can be paid only for the hours up to the Paid-Hours limit.

Paid-Hours Calculation

Technical Certificate or Diploma credit hours attempted prior to Summer term of 2003 are not counted as Paid-Hours, regardless of HOPE Grant payment.

Technical Certificate or Diploma credit hours attempted beginning with the Summer term of 2003, for which the student received HOPE Grant payment, must be counted as Paid-Hours, unless the student was a high school Joint Enrollment or Dual Credit Enrollment student during such term.

Technical Certificate or Diploma credit hours for which a student received HOPE Grant payment for Summer term 2003, Fall term 2003, Winter term 2004, Spring term 2004, or Summer term 2004 are not counted as Paid-Hours, if the student was also Enrolled in high school as a Joint Enrollment or Dual Credit Enrollment student for such term.

Technical Certificate or Diploma credit hours for which a Joint Enrollment or Dual Credit Enrollment high school student received HOPE Grant payment for Fall term of 2004, through the Spring term of 2008, must be counted as Paid-Hours.

Technical Certificate or Diploma credit hours for which a Dual Credit Enrollment high school student received HOPE Grant payment for Summer term of 2008, and all terms following Summer term of 2008, are not counted as Paid-Hours.

Credit hours for which a student received HOPE Grant payment prior to his or her high school graduation must be counted as Paid-Hours, if the student was participating in Joint Enrollment, rather than Dual Credit Enrollment.

Through Fall term 2008 (FY09), a maximum of 12 semester or quarter hours per term is counted toward the Paid-Hours limit, even if actual enrollment was greater than 12 hours.

Beginning with Winter term 2009, a maximum of 15 semester or quarter hours per term will be counted toward the Paid-Hours limit, even if actual enrollment is greater than 15 hours.

Combined Paid-Hours Limit

In addition to the Paid-Hours limit for HOPE Grant eligibility, a student is ineligible to receive HOPE Grant payment once he or she reaches the Combined Paid-Hours limit of 127 semester or 190 quarter hours from any combination of Zell Miller or HOPE Scholarship Paid-Hours, plus HOPE or Zell Miller Grant Paid-Hours, plus Accel Program Hours paid through fiscal year 2011.

For more information regarding HOPE Rules and Regulations, visit https://www.gsfc.org/gsfcnew/SandG_regs_2014.cfm