Acceptable Computer Use Policy

Administrative, Library, and Computer Laboratory Workstations

  • No software is to be added to any computer, PC, or network server owned or leased by the College. Do not load personal software or download software from the Internet onto computers. Exceptions are permitted on computer laboratory workstations ONLY in those computer labs specifically designed for or equipped with removable hard drives for this purpose and ONLY as directed by the instructor for the specific course requiring such modifications. Arrangements for modifications necessary to accommodate special needs students may be made through the Office of Disability Services.
  • Do not reconfigure screen settings, software, or hardware. Exceptions are permitted on computer laboratory workstations ONLY in those computer labs specifically designed for or equipped with removable hard drives for this purpose and ONLY as directed by the instructor for the specific course requiring such modifications. Arrangements for modifications necessary to accommodate special needs students may be made through the Office of Disability Services.
  • Computer laboratory workstations that have CD writers installed are to be used for saving students' files/data only. Any other usage of the CD writers including reproduction of audio or software disks is subject to disciplinary action.
  • Do not use workstations for activities that use excessive bandwidth such as chat rooms, realtime chats, e-mail chain letters, automated bulk mailing, music, or streaming video.
  • Computer laboratory workstations may be used only as directed by the instructor.
  • Library/Media Center workstations may be used freely for research and educational purposes and for recreational web browsing; however, students must relinquish use of workstations if others are waiting to use them for class work.

Students who violate acceptable computer use policies will receive a warning; however, continued failure to comply will result in loss of these privileges and may result in dismissal from college.

  • Software includes, but is not limited to, any storage media (CD's, diskettes, tapes, etc.) and any Internet access, whether or not files are downloaded.