Student Responsibilities and Rights

The following responsibilities and rights are listed to support the concept that students should be responsible citizens and, as such, they are guaranteed certain rights. Students have a responsibility to attend college regularly, and a right to learn and develop those skills and knowledge needed to function in society. Students have a responsibility to use counseling services that are provided for them for their own educational and personal development, and a right to be accurately informed as to the nature of guidance services available to them.

Students have a responsibility to make the most of the educational experiences made available to them, and a right to an education which is appropriate to their needs. Students have a responsibility to become informed and to express their opinions in a suitable manner, and a right to form and express their own opinions without jeopardizing their relations with their instructor. Students have a responsibility to not discriminate against any other person because of race, age, sex, creed, national origin, or handicap. Students have a right to expect no discrimination because of race, sex, age, creed, national origin, or handicap. Students have a responsibility to maintain reasonable grades according to their ability, and a right to receive an academic grade that reflects their achievement.

Students have a responsibility to discuss grievances informally with persons involved before invoking formal grievance action, and a right to a standard procedure for resolution of grievances. Students have a responsibility to publish and post information that does not disrupt the orderly operation of the college as determined by the President, and a right to know the criteria that will be applied in selection of information or materials they wish to post or include in their publications. Students have a responsibility to respect the persons and property of others, and a right to expect that their person and property will not be violated by others while on campus. Students have a responsibility to know and observe the institution rules and laws that govern their conduct, and a right to have clear understanding of the rules of student conduct made available to them. Students have a right to privacy of person, as well as freedom from unreasonable search and seizure of property. That individual right, however, is balanced by the college's responsibility to protect the health, safety and welfare of all its students.

Students have the responsibility of informing the college of information that will aid in making educational decisions to benefit the student, releasing information that will aid in making educational decisions to benefit the student, and meeting their financial obligations to the college. Students have the right to inspect, review, and challenge information contained in records directly relating to the student; the right to be protected by legal provisions which prohibit the release of personally identifiable information to other than legally authorized persons; and a right of access to cumulative records.