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2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook
Course Descriptions
DIET - Diesel Technology
> 1000
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Programs of Study
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Course Descriptions
ACCT - Accounting
ACRP - Automotive Collision Repair
AIRC - Air Conditioning Technology
ALHS - Allied Health Science
AMCA - Advanced Machine Tool
ARTS - Art
AUMF - Automated Manufacturing Techno
AUTT - Automotive Technology
BIOL - Biology
BUAS - Building Automation Systems
BUSN - Business Technology
CARP - Carpentry
CCMN - Commercial Construction Management
CHEM - Chemistry
CIST - Computer Information Systems Technology
CMTT - Construction Management Technology
COFC - Construction Fundamental Core
COMM - Communications
COMP - Introduction to Computer Literacy
COSM - Cosmetology
CRJU - Criminal Justice
CTDL - Commercial Truck Driving
CUUL - Culinary Arts
DENA - Dental Assisting
DFTG - Drafting
DHYG - Dental Hygiene
DIET - Diesel Technology
DIET 1000
DIET 1010
DIET 1011
DIET 1012
DIET 1020
DIET 1030
DIET 1031
DIET 1032
DIET 1040
DMPT - Design and Media Production
ECCE - Early Childhood Care and Educa
ECON - Economics
ELCR - Electronics Technology
ELTR - Electrical Technology
ELUT - Electrical Utility Technology
EMPL - Job Acquisition Skills
EMSP - Paramedic Technology
EMYT - Emergency Management
ENGL - English
ENGT - Engineering Technology
ESTH - Esthetician
FRSC - Fire Science
HIMT - Health Information Technology
HIST - History
HORT - Horticulture
HUMN - Humanities
IDFC - Industrial Fundamental Courses
IDSY - Industrial Systems Technology
INDS - Interiors
LETA - Fundamentals of Spanish for Law Enforcement
LOGI - Logistics
MAET - Marine Engine Technology
MAST - Medical Assisting
MATH - Math
MCHT - Machine Tool Technology
MCTX - Mechatronics
MEGT - Mechanical Engineering
MGMT - Business Management
MKTG - Marketing Management
MSVT - Motor Sport Vehicle Technology
MUSC - Music
NAST - Nursing Assistant
PHLT - Phlebotomy Technician
PHTA - Physical Therapy
PHYS - Physics
PNSG - Practical Nursing
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
RADT - Radiologic Technology
RELG - Religion
RNSG - Associate of Science in Nursing
SOCI - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPCH - Speech
THEA - Theater Appreciation
WELD - Welding
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Student Affairs
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DIET 1000
Intro-Diesel Tech Tools Safety
DIET 1010
Diesel Electrical & Elec Syst
DIET 1011
Diesel Electrical, Elec Syst I
DIET 1012
Diesel Electrical, Elec Sys II
DIET 1020
Preventive Maintenance
DIET 1030
Diesel Engines
DIET 1031
Diesel Engine Repair
DIET 1032
Diesel Engine Support Systems
DIET 1040
Diesel Truck, Heavy Equip HVAC