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2024-2025 Catalog and Student Handbook
Course Descriptions
RELG - Religion
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Programs of Study
General Information
Academic Regulations
Campus Facilities
Course Descriptions
ACCT - Accounting
ACRP - Automotive Collision Repair
AIRC - Air Conditioning Technology
ALHS - Allied Health Science
AMCA - Advanced Machine Tool
ARTS - Art
AUMF - Automated Manufacturing Techno
AUTT - Automotive Technology
BIOL - Biology
BUAS - Building Automation Systems
BUSN - Business Technology
CARP - Carpentry
CCMN - Commercial Construction Management
CHEM - Chemistry
CIST - Computer Information Systems Technology
CMTT - Construction Management Technology
COFC - Construction Fundamental Core
COMM - Communications
COMP - Introduction to Computer Literacy
COSM - Cosmetology
CRJU - Criminal Justice
CTDL - Commercial Truck Driving
CUUL - Culinary Arts
DENA - Dental Assisting
DFTG - Drafting
DHYG - Dental Hygiene
DIET - Diesel Technology
DMPT - Design and Media Production
ECCE - Early Childhood Care and Educa
ECON - Economics
ELCR - Electronics Technology
ELTR - Electrical Technology
ELUT - Electrical Utility Technology
EMPL - Job Acquisition Skills
EMSP - Paramedic Technology
EMYT - Emergency Management
ENGL - English
ENGT - Engineering Technology
ESTH - Esthetician
FRSC - Fire Science
HIMT - Health Information Technology
HIST - History
HORT - Horticulture
HUMN - Humanities
IDFC - Industrial Fundamental Courses
IDSY - Industrial Systems Technology
INDS - Interiors
LETA - Fundamentals of Spanish for Law Enforcement
LOGI - Logistics
MAET - Marine Engine Technology
MAST - Medical Assisting
MATH - Math
MCHT - Machine Tool Technology
MCTX - Mechatronics
MEGT - Mechanical Engineering
MGMT - Business Management
MKTG - Marketing Management
MSVT - Motor Sport Vehicle Technology
MUSC - Music
NAST - Nursing Assistant
PHLT - Phlebotomy Technician
PHTA - Physical Therapy
PHYS - Physics
PNSG - Practical Nursing
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
RADT - Radiologic Technology
RELG - Religion
RELG 1101
RNSG - Associate of Science in Nursing
SOCI - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPCH - Speech
THEA - Theater Appreciation
WELD - Welding
Financial Aid Information
General Code of Behavior
Student Affairs
Tuition and Fees
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RELG 1101
World Religions